Top In-demand jobs in Canada for 2021

Canada’s health and safety restrictions and lockdowns are expected to be eased, and eventually removed. Many companies have already started to adapt to these restrictions such as allowing their employees to work remotely and using online collaboration tools. Businesses that do not have the capacity to do so, implemented health and safety policies. Employees would […]

Highest average entry wage for immigrants reached in 2018

Immigrant wages were increasing prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent Statistics Canada report. Immigrants were seeing an increase in the median entry-level wages, as the gap between Canadian and immigrant wages continued to shrink in 2018. The median entry wage was $30,100 in 2018 for immigrants who came to Canada just one year […]

Immigrant children grow up to outperform other Canadians

This is according to a Statistics Canada study that analysed data from tax files in 2018. The focus was on immigrants who arrived in Canada before the age of 15. A whopping 70 per cent of these immigrants are in a post-secondary institution by the age of 20. To compare, this number is 56 per cent […]